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IELTS Speaking Часть 2

Список общих тем и вопросов для IELTS speaking Часть 2. Разговорная часть 2 называется:

“The Talk”

Беседа с глазу на глаз с экзаменатором (3-4 минуты)

Вам будет выдана тематическая карточка. У вас будет 1 минута, чтобы подготовить свое выступление, а затем вам нужно будет говорить в течение 1-2 минут. Начинайте готовиться, как только вам дадут карточку, бумагу и ручку. Экзаменатор сообщит вам, когда начинать говорить. Продолжайте говорить так долго, как сможешь. Большинство тем - это истории о себе или о чем-то, что произошло в вашей жизни.

Describe a piece of art you like.
You should say:
  • what the work of art is
  • when you first saw it
  • what you know about it
  • and explain why you like it.

Describe a book you have recently read.
You should say:
  • what kind of book it is
  • what it is about
  • what sort of people would enjoy it
  • and explain why you liked it.

Describe a piece of advice you recently received.
You should say:
  • when this happened
  • who gave you the advice
  • what the advice was
  • and explain how you felt about the advice.

Daily Routine
Describe a time of the day you like.
You should say:
  • what time of day it is
  • what you do at that time
  • who you are usually with
  • and explain why you like it.

Describe an exercise you know.
You should say:
  • what it is
  • how it is done
  • when you first tried it
  • what kind of people it is suitable for
  • and explain why you think it is a good exercise.

Describe a member of the your family you get on well with.
You should say:
  • who it is
  • what relationship you have to that person
  • what that person is like
  • what you do together
  • and explain why you get on so well.

Describe a gift you recently gave to someone.
You should say:
  • who you gave it to
  • what kind of person he/she is
  • what the gift was
  • what occasion the gift was for
  • and explain why you chose that gift.

Describe an interesting hobby.
You should say:
  • what it is
  • what kind of people do it
  • how it is done
  • and explain why you think it is interesting.

Describe a useful website.
You should say:
  • what it is
  • how often you visit it
  • what kind of site it is
  • what kind of information it offers
  • and explain why you think it is useful.

Describe a journey that didn’t go as planned.
You should say:
  • where you were going
  • how you were travelling
  • who you were with
  • what went wrong
  • and explain what you would do differently.

Describe a person you know who is kind.
You should say:
  • who it is
  • how you know this person
  • what sort of person he/she is
  • and explain why you think they are kind.

Describe a language you have learned.
You should say:
  • what it is
  • when you started learning
  • how you learned it
  • what was difficult about it
  • and why you decided to learn that language.

Describe a song you like.
You should say:
  • what kind of song it is
  • what the song is about
  • when you first heard it
  • and explain why you like it.

Describe some good news you recently received.
You should say:
  • what the news was
  • how you received the news
  • who gave it to you
  • and explain why this was good news.

Old people
Describe an old person you know.
You should say:
  • who this person is
  • how old he/she is
  • what this person is like
  • and explain why you like this person.

Describe a photograph you like.
You should say:
  • what can be seen in the photo
  • when it was taken
  • who took it
  • and explain why you like it.

Describe someone you respect.
You should say:
  • who the person is
  • how you know about this person
  • what this person does
  • what this person is like
  • and explain why you respect this person.

Describe a sports you would like to learn.
You should say:
  • what it is
  • what equipment is needed for it
  • how you would learn it
  • and explain why you would like to learn this sport.

Describe a place you have recently visited.
You should say:
  • where you went
  • who you went with
  • how you got there
  • and explain why you enjoyed it.

Describe an unexpected event.
You should say:
  • what it was
  • when it happened
  • who was there
  • why it was unexpected
  • and explain why you enjoyed it.

Describe a vocation you think is useful to society.
You should say:
  • what it is
  • what it involves
  • what kind of people usually do this work
  • and explain why you think it is useful to society.

Describe a place near water.
You should say:
  • where it is
  • how you get there
  • how often you do there
  • what you can do there
  • and explain why you like it.

Your Favourite Shop
Describe your favourite shop.
You should say:
  • where it is
  • how often you go there
  • what it sells
  • and explain why you think it is a good shop.

Describe a place with animals.
You should say:
  • where it is
  • how you heard of it
  • what animals can be seen
  • and explain why it might be an interesting place to visit.

Темы IELTS Speaking Часть 1

Темы IELTS Speaking Часть 3
2022-03-04 13:01 Грамматика и лексика